The power of pauses

Written by Louise Ellekilde Fogstrup

"Talking with you provides clarity of mind", I was once told by a senior leader with whom I have regular one-on-ones. I believe it's because talking to me as an external consultant provides a break, where a leader's mind can freely flow, and a pause when they need to offload.

Where your mind can flow freely and examine new perspectives

One thing I have noticed during my years in the field is that the higher one moves in an organisation, the fewer opportunities one has for natural pauses. Often, people have an agenda when speaking with leaders; whether they need guidance, funding for a project or mediation, they require something from you. As you progress into more senior positions, it is natural that you watch what you say or how you come across. This means constantly being on your guard, and it can be taxing. Finding those moments of calm, where your mind can flow freely and examine new perspectives, often gets harder and harder.

Leaders also need listeners or confidants

They must have professional people they trust with whom to talk.


Many leaders turn to partners outside their organisations for sparring. These people and organisations offer them a place where they can press pause and reflect: where do I wish to take the business? What are the things that worry me? What trends do I see? How are my team and stakeholders moving around me? Where do I stand today on the things that are important to me? 

In this place, they don't have to guard their minds or consider how their words are formulated. Rather, this is where someone without an agenda listens to what they have to say.

Taking a pause helps bring clarity

It enables you to obtain clarity in your thinking and allows others to help you see the bigger picture and mirror it back to you. 

I feel privileged whenever I can help create a pause for someone – I feel grateful when others provide this for me. 


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